My Palette Fx

12:51 PM Jane Leu Rekas 0 Comments

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Skin, Hair and Eyes with Palette Fx

9:10 AM Jane Leu Rekas 0 Comments

This program will give you the hexcodes for colors as well as what their complementary and triad colors are.

My skin is Beauty Blush hex code "eebbbb" and also hex "cc9988"

My hair is Sambucha hex code "332211"

My eye contains Firefly blue hex code "112233" and hex code "335544"

and Willow Grove hex code "667755" and Viridian Green hex code "668877"

Other colors that show up too are:

Thanks for visiting, Jane
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Jeweltone Shirts

10:30 AM Jane Leu Rekas 0 Comments

Matched to my Donna Fujii High Contrast Summer fan.

Note: these colors are all reading a bit off, but closer next to fan strips.

Thanks for visiting, Jane
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Essence Color

9:59 PM Jane Leu Rekas 0 Comments

This is the skin color I have in Color Alliance.

I took pictures of my palm, back of my hand, neck and face and then averaged the pixels in an attempt to find my essence color.  

I then had them printed.

Next I went to a few stores and discovered that rose beige is not frequently used.

It is also nearly impossible to take pics under bad flourescent lighting, but here is one shirt I found.

How to Average Pixels:

"Reduce the image resolution drastically (on a COPY of the image file!) so that the palm or sole is reduced to a single pixel (or a 3x3 array). In resampling the image Photoshop will come up with an 'average' value from all the previous pixels, which you can then measure with the eyedropper. Actually you'd probably want the final pixel to be just slightly smaller than the sole/palm, to avoid picking up any color or brightness values, in the 'average', from the surrounding background. There's also a 'pixellate' filter that will do roughly the same thing (but creating bigger squares instead of reducing the image file size). In either case you'll have to experiment a bit (with liberal use of the "undo" command) to find settings for image size or pixel size that work best for the image you're starting with."

Thanks for visiting, Jane
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