Palette Thoughts

8:55 AM Jane Leu Rekas 0 Comments

I recently made several purchases at the amazing designer's shop in Oakland, CA, Serrahna.  While I love them, the whole process made me think, a lot!  First, I had to try to explain that I'm a contrasting or jeweltone summer, which actually means that I wear almost winter colors and in contrast.  I ended up getting some lovely items that thrill me, but they might be too earthy or blended, esp. with the items I'm pairing them with.  This also makes me think a lot about Jennifer Butler's palettes and outfit recommendations, which like Zyla, include one's body colors.  My body colors are warmer than the colors that clear my skin.

If I take my Contrasting Summer palette and identify my Zyla/Butler color categories, frankly it's a bit of a mess.  I still need to work out which combinations then look best.  The mess or dilemma to me is the pairing of my body colors with my brights....

And I'm going through a lot with several planets traversing my 1st house of appearance.

Thanks for visiting, Jane
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